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For those of you who attended the session at VLS there may not be much new here, but it may be helpful for future reference.
This is for our information only - when working with law enforcement, this is a tool just for them.                                                                                                                                            -- Barry   New SRTS Online Resource
a Project of UVM's Center for Rural Studies and the Vermont Center for Geographic Information (VCGI). A collaborative data centralization and clearinghouse project, designed for first-stop shopping of statistical data
The Vermont Energy and Climate Action Guide is a how-to tool for start-up and existing town energy and climate action committees.  It's a publication of VECAN and a living document.  This
They list the income guidelines and the services they provide (FREE audit, weatherization work, lightbulbs, etc). We (MET’s home weatherization group) can be helping to get the word out to