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Contact Barry McPhee with questions or problems.


Hello, Montpelier Energy Team members.

This is the online space the MET will use initially as a collaborative workspace.  It is built on the 'Kete' platform--something like a Wiki, but a bit more user-friendly and designed to combine content with discussion.  

Please go here for a quick primer on Kete.  It will open in a separate window.

MET will dedicate one basket to each project group defined in the November 12, 2009 meeting (Transportation; Communal Usership; Homes/Weatherization; et al).  Within it you will keep your documents, links, video/audio files.  You'll often organize these within topics you create.

Kete was developed by Katipo, a web development company located in Wellington, New Zealand.  'Kete' and 'Katipo' are Māori words.  Kete's team lead is Vermonter Walter McGinnis, who grew up in Berlin, Vermont.