Weatherization team Minutes 4.1.10

Minutes from April 1, 2010 meeting.

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Montpelier Energy Team – Home Weatherization Team

Barry covered a potential thought that the local energy teams of Plainfield, East Montpelier, etc join forces.

Thetford (SERG) Group referenced as resource:

New England Grassroots Environmental Fund Grant

Discussion around the grant that was submitted for a MET project. $2,500 tops.

Grant @

Kate led discussion around how to receive and apply the funding from the grant.

Plan B: What do we want to do as next steps without any grant money.

September/October/November - Target timeframe for sending out the kits.

Should we gather available resources to include in the kits, such as pamphlets other organizations have put together. If the money is coming through; look at the training opportunities.

Barry discussed BPI certified contractors who have offered to help the process, but potentially unclear as to what they could provide. Barry sees their efforts as a “loss leader” of sorts for them. It would help get the providers “in the door” to continue other work.

Barry proposed an initial walkthrough with the BPI contractor, and offer a folder full of resources.

Barry discussed potentially CVCAC is applying/has a proposal for a DIY project that is similar to this project at a regional level.

@TODO Kate will follow up with Paul Zabriskie so setup trainings and discuss their proposal.

@TODO Start gathering local information and resources for the larger packet that we might distribute (Efficiency Vermont), bring to the next meeting.

Vermont Community Energy Mobilization (VCEM) Project

(summary of 2009 project)

Efficiency Vermont project where they worked with local partners. The local partner would publicize and scrounge up volunteers to come to trainings and perform energy assessments (rather than audits).

Efficiency VT provided “low hanging fruit” products like pipe insulation, low flow shower heads, etc.

Volunteers trained to install items, and helped assess basic metrics of home efficiency.

Local partner performed outreach and actual audits.

VCEM is proposing a follow up project to encourage 2009 participants to actually complete additional improvements. VCEM is providing up to $2500 for qualified improvements to individuals who had a VCEM visit in 2009.

$250 audit fee rebate. $150 rebate on completion of the qualifying measures (ie, follow up the weatherization). Packet with EnergyStar information.

VCEM has provided tracking documents, FAQ’s, and talking points. The project starts today, and ends December 31st. Barry has more documentation and is committed to leading the follow-up.

Perform follow up calls (thru May 31).

Track follow up calls, and actions, by completing action forms.

Efficiency VT will provide MET with $50 for each home that partakes in “the process”.

@TODO Barry will send out the summary of the project and as us to consider if we can help out.

Roughly 85 homes/buildings participated in Montpelier

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