was the last to edit CVCAC Do-It-Yourself Home Energy Efficiency Program - narrative description
on Apr 5th, 2010 at 2:10 PM
created CVCAC Do-It-Yourself Home Energy Efficiency Program - narrative description
on Apr 5th, 2010 at 2:05 PM
Filename: narrative_on_CVCAC_DIY_program ( download )
Size: 719.5 KB
Document type: application/msword ( Replace description with document text )
Kate Stephenson
said CVCAC DIY proposal
This sounds great! An excellent complement and/or alternative to what we've been talking about.
My main questions are:
- is this really happening? Or is it just a proposal at this stage? It mentions having 50 homes participate by December 2010 so the timeline is pretty tight.
- is the program open to everyone? or just low income?
- what are the costs associated with participation for homeowners? it mentions they would pay for an audit, with a $150 rebate coupon, but would they pay for the skillshops trainings or would that be covered by the grant?
- what is the outreach plan to get homeowners to participate?
I will contact Paul Zabriskie to try to find out those details.