Notes from 1/22 meeting

Notes from Nina Otter

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MET Home Weatherization Group 1/21/10

Attending: Steve Lobb, Susan Ritz, Barry McPhee, Judith Erlich, Soren Pfeffer, Nina Otter, Kate Stephenson


What does the DIY weatherization kit potentially include?


Off the shelf materials

Information/resources/DIY manual

Buying in bulk for certain materials (masks, gloves, foam guns, caulk, caulk guns)

Guidance/consult from BPI professional (or at least more highly trained volunteers)

Who are we trying to reach?

People who have had an audit but don’t have money to implement the recommendations

Later discussion- the kinds of things we’re talking about (caulk, foam, pipe insulation) do not need an audit first

Ideas for resource kits one-pagers:

Current available incentives

Heating alternatives and fuel switching considerations

List of central Vermont Home Performance with Energy Star contractors

List of online resources where you can buy specialty weatherization stuff (beyond what Allen Lumber or Aubuchon will stock)

DIY directions on caulking, air sealing, how to weatherize an attic hatch, bulkhead door, etc

Current materials available from Efficiency Vermont should be first step, then we can fill in the gaps

Provide resource packet as PDF but also as a printed packet?

Button Up video- ask Paul Markowitz, he runs the Button Up program. We could get copies of the DVD free for the kits.

Identify potential home weatherization projects according to 3 levels of work:

Easy fixes- outlet gaskets- DIY instruction

Need some help- maybe volunteers- caulk etc

Contractor needed

How to get the word out?

Partner with existing programs- first, find out who else is doing this work and how their programs work

Central Vermont Community Action-

They list the income guidelines and the services they provide (FREE audit, weatherization work, lightbulbs, etc). We (MET’s home weatherization group) can be helping to get the word out to people about this service. There’s a simple 2 pg brochure you can download and print if you know someone who might be eligible:

Encourage people with questions about current incentives to CALL Efficiency Vermont – 888-921-5990 for the most up-to-date information on incentives and rebates.

Montpelier Heritage group- distribute info to their membership


Email to CAN network, thru other city groups

Door to door flyers or information, doorhangers

Sandwich boards

Action Items:

Ask Efficiency Vermont for a list of people who have had audits in the City of Montpelier

Random notes:

Current challenge: Most Efficiency Vermont incentives are only applicable if you hire a Home Performance with Energy Star contractor. You can only get $ back from GMP incentive if you hire someone to do the work, not do it yourself.

“Between the cracks”- is an existing MET program helping people do small pieces of weatherization, but is not currently very active.

Can an auditor provide an estimate of materials needed?—then that would inform bulk buy

Grant money- prove track record, then ask for money to expand a program

Could the city of Montpelier hire someone to do energy audits full time at no or low cost?

Gwen Hallsmith got a grant for $2 million for some kind of volunteer project- advertised new position this week. ORE?

Identify guinea pig groups to do weatherization project.

How do we train the homeowners so they have a basic level of confidence and understanding of building science?

Example: Nina’s program at Warren Wilson had all volunteers attend an evening training (led by an energy auditor) then would work side by side with that person during the volunteer work day.

Next meeting: February 11- 6pm- location TBA

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